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Noise Tickets

If you get a noise ticket…


First, ask yourself: “Do I feel responsible for causing noise that may have negatively impacted my community?

  • If NO, you have the right to contest your ticket. There is a range of non-waiver penalties. For more information, contact the City Attorney's Office at (802) 865-7121.

  • If YES, you are eligible to participate in the Burlington Community Justice Center's Restorative Noise Program. Contact us within seven (7) days of receiving your ticket to schedule an intake appointment. Contact Barbara Shaw-Dorso at (802) 264-0765 or by email at

Noise Fine Reduction Restorative Program


The impact of noise is a big issue in Burlington's downtown neighborhoods. The Burlington Community Justice Center's noise program provides a restorative response to noise tickets that is constructive for the person who caused noise and the community as a whole.  If you receive a noise ticket and willingly accept responsibility for causing noise that may have negatively impacted the community, you are eligible to participate in the Restorative Noise Program. 


  • For party/social noise tickets: Reduce your fine by $100 by participating in a one 1/2-hour session where you will learn about the history of Burlington’s Noise Ordinance, how to avoid future tickets, and ways to solve the issue of noise in our community. Reduce your fine by an additional $100 by performing 10 hours of approved community service.

  • For general noise tickets: Reduce your fine by $100 by performing 10 hours of approved community service.


Fines paid through the Community Justice Center go to the Parallel Justice Victims Fund, which helps victims of crime restore their safety needs.



"Getting a ticket by itself only teaches me to not make noise so that I don't have to pay a fine. This experience helped me see that I shouldn't make noise because it hurts my neighbors.”


– UVM student and noise program participant

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