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ISGOOD OSCR STREK Event Aug 2108 #1_edit

Support victims through

Donation of goods or services


Parallel Justice for Victims of Crime is always grateful for donated services (massage, house cleaning, automotive repair, etc...) or replacements of stolen goods. Contact Hannah Brislin at  802-557-7232 or to learn more.

photo credit: UVM OSCR Community Coalition and ISGOOD

Circles of Support and Accountability


CoSA is a reentry program based on a successful international restorative justice model of assisting serious offenders to reintegrate into their communities. Trained CoSA volunteers work in teams of three to five and meet weekly with the core member to support them in returning to the community and managing everyday living.  This includes:


  • following the supervision rules set by the Department of Corrections.

  • acting in ways that do not hurt others.

  • taking responsibility for one's actions by making amends for past offenses.

  • getting help for mental or emotional problems such as addictions, depression, or learning disabilities.

  • practicing productive new attitudes and behaviors.

  • arranging for transportation needs.

  • finding a job.

  • creating and living within a budget.

  • developing constructive solutions to problems.

  • planning for the future.


The mission of a CoSA is to enhance community safety and repair relationships by supporting core members to successfully rejoin the community and commit no further offenses.   The CoSA circle helps the core member take the learning and self-awareness gained from treatment and utilize it in everyday life. Additionally, the circle will hold the core member accountable for adherence to post-release expectations and for developing healthy relationships. As the core member grows and rebuilds community connections, the circle will represent the needs of the community in relationship to those of the core member.


Contact Becky Penberthy at (802) 923-9010 or to learn more.




Can you spare two hours a week to help bring equity and justice to Burlington? Do you identify as BIPOC, LGBTQ+ or someone with lived experience in the criminal-legal system?


We invite you to join fellow community members in addressing the impact of crime from the perspective of a responsible party (offender) and affected party (victim). This group will explore the harms that have been done to individuals and the community and will help the responsible party make amends.  


We are especially interested in striving to represent the diversity of our community (age, race, gender identity, religion, socio-economic status, etc.)


Our process involves a 1/2 hour volunteer orientation, a written application, interview, reference and background check, liability waiver, confidentiality agreement, and an in-depth, 12 hour restorative practices training. If you are interested in volunteering with our restorative processes (youth or adult), please contact Becky Penberthy at (802) 923-9010 to sign up for an orientation.

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